Friday, March 8, 2013

Alpha squad

Ok, first post, first pictures and the first five man squad painted.
So without further ado, I give you Alpha squad.

I know the photos sucks monkey balls, but better ones are coming, hopefully tomorrow, if there's any sun outside I'll try to get some better lighting.

The whole squad, they took their fair time to paint, the reasons for that are many, but mainly because it was the first guardsmen I've painted in years, a whole (for me) new paint scheme, and plenty of new painting techniques to try out and get a hold of.

They are nearly finished, I think I'm going to add grenades and ammo packs and of course I'll base them. I was planing on having the Cadian symbol on their right shoulder, it didn't work out, because the decal would wrinkle up and it just didn't look good at all, so I went for the Imperial Aquila instead.

I think they turned out OK for a first go and I know somethings I'm going to change for the next painting session. I am however, not sure how to tackle this whole project, since I was hoping to spit out a five man squad every weekend, and have a foot-slogger army. I'm now considering changing to a mechanized company or even and totally armored company, with the Forgeworld books. 

My own thoughts on the painting, I really like the way the Forgeworld heads came out, the lenses look pretty sweet and I didn't think it would be so easy to paint them. Absolute fails in my own saying is the winged-skulls and the highlighting overall. I started out doing a regular edge highlight, but it failed miserably and I went over to some kind of mixed drybrushing and highlighting.

I would love to hear some thoughts and any constructive criticism is welcome!

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